Holy Avtar Vani - Shabad No. 332
Duniyan kahe duniyan vich reh ke rab da paauna aukhan ey;
Biwi bachche grehast nibha ke bhagat kahauna aukha ey.
Bina Samadhi bina tapasya yog kamauna aukha ey;
Hardam maya de vich reh ke prabhu rijhauna aukha ey.
Main balihari ja satgur ton jis eh gal samjhai ey;
Kahe avtar jagat vich reh ke rab di sojhi paayi ey.
It's a myth that God can't be known while living in this world. The world thinks that it is difficult to realize God while living in this world. That having wife and children and looking after the household, it is difficult to become a devotee. They think that without self-punishment, without meditation, it's difficult to think about being near to God. Or while living in this material world all the time, it is difficult to please the Almighty. But I thank my True Master, who made this thing possible. Here Baba Avtar Singh ji says, I have known God, while staying in this world.